Meeting notes - Oct 17, 2017

Post date: Oct 23, 2017 3:37:12 PM


17 Oct 2017

Members present:

Frank Adams Linda Vahrenkamp Emily Gubler

Ken Feldman Gayle Gordon Henri Begin

Bryan Roberts Joe Lampe

Aaron Caplan Jenni McDade

I. Introductions:

II. Announcements:

Next Meeting is Nov 14, 2017, at Fire Station 1, 6:30-8 PM

(Note this is the 2nd Tuesday of the month)

No meeting in December.

III. Discussion Items

    1. Next Scenario Planning

Tosh made a presentation on the scenario exercise we just had and put it on the website.

Have 1 person from Lyons Fire and a couple people from Lyons Prepared help create the next scenario.

Maybe it could be that we are a couple days into the event and focused on the communication aspect. Give a message that is to be passed along a communication chain and see how well it gets passed.

We could try and incorporate FEMA online training.

Could we have some additional first aid or first responder training.

Could be something that has no communication in one or two areas, but not everywhere and how we could assist with communication relays.

B. Walkie-Talkies

Read what was on the agenda. (I wanted to write that in, but see I didn’t bring an agenda home. If someone wants to add it.)

They could be of use at all POC’s so that the POC can be at their radio or doing one thing and they can hand off a walkie talkie to someone else who can go around communicating to neighbors.

C. Credentials - No Update

D. Central Location for Online Documents

We do have many public documents on our website.

Lyons Prepared was setup so that each neighborhood handles contact information for their neighborhood and their is no central database or contact list.

Could we have dropbox or something set up so members can upload their files? photos of the scenario as an example

E. Laminated Medical Response Documents

We do have wallet size laminated cards with some information.

Could we do something bigger to have in our kits with more information.

F. Lyons Prepared Kits

Lyons Fire should know what we have in our kits, so they don’t have to ask if we have something or not.

Emily can add that information to the file that Lyons FIre already has for the Points of Contact.

G. Other Groups like Lyons Prepared

If anyone was interested in attending meetings of other groups like Lyons Prepared, we might gain some useful ideas from them.

IV. Annual Review - Lyons Prepared is 3 years old

We now have a formal steering committee with officers, documented requirements for becoming a Lyons Prepared member, a bank account and are a Colorado not for profit organization.

We are officially a part of Lyons Fire, have applied for a grant, and a FEMA award.

We have had some first aid training, working on a preparedness kit, and progressed with our radio communication training with new larger antennas.

V. Other Comments -

With talk of using our cell phones for GPS there is the concern of batteries for the phone. Henri found a charger that uses (double or triple?) A batteries and so could fit in with the idea of making sure everything in our kits uses the same type of batteries.

Minutes submitted by Aaron Caplan