Meeting notes - Apr 18, 2017

Post date: May 1, 2017 6:42:21 PM

Agenda (and discussion)

    1. Go through outstanding action items from previous meeting.

    2. Emily: Reminder about CPR/First Aid class, May 21, 9a - 5p, Lyons Station 2

    3. Carry forward from previous meeting: Discuss what we want to do about the nonprofit app.

Aaron is willing to do some research to see what we need. He will contact Joycelyn. May be the difference between not-for-profit and nonprofit.

    1. Keith: Eagle Ridge neighborhood. Dayton Jones (Eagle Ridge) like to be involved with LP but our meetings conflict with his ham club meeting nights. He is enthusiastic about helping in any way he can and will be monitoring the MURS channels as well as 146.460 in an emergency. He has an excellent location for radio transmission and relay. Candidate for MURS handheld?

    2. Tosh: Lyons Fire Fund fiscal sponsorship. Emailed LFF a couple weeks ago with a suggestion and question about using a simple agreement since this will be a small issue (probably only one or two grants and a handful of donations per year). Received no reply, so a couple days ago, I emailed a draft agreement. No reply yet.

    3. Joanna: Discuss new member recruitment procedure.

The most important thing is to find people who want to be involved with Lyons Prepared. The radios are secondary.

    1. Joanna: Set up radio testing in the Beech Hill Valley, Buster Ranch and Sunship, Lonestar, and X Bar 7 and Blue Mountain Trail neighborhoods so we know where to recruit. See previous point.

    2. Discuss how we want to deal with financials. Wait until needed.

    3. Aaron: High-water mark project. Aaron is still keeping an eye on this. The town staff is still working on it.

Next meeting: Tue, May 16, 2017, Fire Station #1, 6:30p - 8p

Upcoming meetings:

    • Tue, Jun 20, Fire Station 2, 6:30p - 8p

    • Tue, Jul 18, Fire Station #1, 6:30p - 8p



Emily, Linda, Johanna, Aaron, Gayle, Tosh, Bryan

Action items

Outstanding action items from previous meetings:

[ x ] Emily - Send CPR email to Johanna and Neil,

[ x ] Tosh - Make an LP sign for Ken & Gayle

[ x ] Tosh - Add Neil to list

[ ^ ] Emily - Print out identify areas where helicopters can land

[ ] Joycelyn - Talk to area 11

[ x ] Keith - Will talk to Dayton on Eagle Ridge

[ ^ ] Emily - Article for paper

New actions items from current meeting:

[ ] Aaron - Look into nonprofit application

[ ] Tosh - Assist Aaron on nonprofit application as needed