Meeting Minutes 3/20/18

Post date: Mar 28, 2018 8:25:18 PM


Board Meeting Minutes 3/20/18

Members Present: Gayle Gordon, Shannon Davis; Linda Vahrenkamp, Tosh Golias, Joe Lampe Brian Roberts, Keith Roussil, Joycelyn Fankhouser, Emily Gubler, Aaron Caplan and Sara Erickson

Scheduling of Meetings: Tosh asked whether we should hold meetings every month. Joe and Gayle suggested monthly meetings keep us more energized and connected. For now keep monthly meetings, but on occasions if there is not enough on the agenda to hold a meeting, the meeting will be cancelled.

Outreach activities: Tosh is willing to host this year’s National Night Out. Explore possibility of doing a demo on IRLP at the National Night Out.

Summer concerts also don’t generate too many sign ups but are still a way to have visibility. Once we have the Sandstone Concerts Schedule, we can get members to sign up to sit at the table.

LP Event: Joe floated idea of having a raffle to increase residents to send email addresses to LP mailing list. Several members have had low key individual events in neighborhoods or communicate to neighbors via email. ACTION ITEM FOR KEITH: Send snakebite videos to the members who can forward it to their neighbors.

Newpaper article:

ACTION ITEM FOR SHANNON: Prep an article for Redstone Review

ACTION ITEM FOR LINDA: Linda will provide contact Redstone Review contact info to Shannon.

ACTION ITEM FOR EMILY: Send previous RR articles to Shannon.

Go Bags: Joe and Gayle have conducted research on the best bags and contents. Joe reported on affordable bags: best choice is Lightening Premium Tactical Bag. It has clear plastic individual bags that are in place with velcro and can be easily pulled off. Price is $82.00. (Less if we by more than 10.) The goal is to have one in every neighborhood. Gayle: Chad at Canned Aid suggested Nite-Ize (A Boulder County company) as a possibility for a donation, e.g. LED flashlights or in-kind donation. Canned Aid gave to Gayle 12 McGyver Kits: contains rain poncho, duct tape, antibiotic packs, ibuprofen, sunscreen, field repair guide, zip ties, lip balm, wipes, bandages and tire patch.

Tosh described some of the contents of his go bag. Make sure lights use same batteries as the radios. Tosh uses a rechargeble battery in his flashlight which also uses AAA batteries.

Other items in Tosh’s bag: duct tape, splints, first aid kit, space blankets, dust masks, blood pressure cuff (automated);

Beyond Kits: After flood Tosh got a generator, hand pump, gravity fed water system, propane free-standing fire pit. Members should think about what to have on hand if a neighbor came to your home during an emergency.

Keith aware of an ER doc who makes first aid kits. Good kits. Keith reported we can get a discount. He recommends tourniquet, Israeli bandages, gauze.

We will focus on 7 kits with first aid supplies. Joe suggested that at next meeting prioritize the contents of kits, what supplies we have and want.

ACTION ITEM FOR JOE: Order one bag to see how we like it. Joe will need to get the Chief or Assistant Chief can order it. Joe should send order information to Tosh and Emily.

United Way Grant: Some of the funds from United Way need to go to an event. Event has to be by October (about S400-500) $900-$1,000 is for the kits. United Way check will be sent at the end of the month.

Seeking Donations: If we are talking to a donor: tell them we are an official program of the LFD, a non-profit governmental entity. If they only donate to a 501(3)(c) they can give the donation Lyons Fire Fund.

ACTION ITEM FOR TOSH: send non-profit forms to Keith

ACTION ITEM FOR KEITH: Prepare a generic thank-you letter to donors.

Possible Trainings for 2018:

--Tour Boulder OEM or Lamimer County Instant Command System.

ACTION ITEM FOR JOYCELYN: Inquire and coordinate with OEM.

--Scenario tentatively set for October 13, which is 2nd Saturday in October. Emily wants one or two people

who have experienced the previous scenarios to join the scenario committee. This would involve emails,

phone calls and maybe one or two meetings. Have a radio test in preparation and solve any radio problems

ahead of time. Do a radio refresher and a first aid refresher the meeting before the scenario

--First aid/CPR training

--Go through the kits

5 Year Flood Anniversary

ACTION ITEM FOR AARON: Inquire if the town doing anything. High Water Mark Plaque could be installed at that time if there is an event.

Other Items:

Larimer County Rep will come to next meeting.

Linda: Katie Arrington of OEM conducts “Better Together Workshops” Basically what we are doing and Joycelyn is training to become a facilitator.

JJ and Joycelyn have discussed whether Lyons should have a rep at the EOC during an event.

HAM Radio Update

We have a repeater now in Lyons. Repeaters are high up and can amplify signals. It’s at Dayton’s house on Eagle Ridge. Users require very low power. Repeater has IRLP node. Those whose MURS radio are inadequate due to location S(i.e in the mountains) should consider getting a HAM license. MURS can’t use repeaters.

IBM Community Outreach Grant. Gayle reports that Sue S. she follow up with Gayle or Jennie. Linda is also an IBM retirree. The grant has to go through an IBM retiree. State Farm has grants. Gayle is researching banks on community outreach for grant money.

Next meeting is 4/17/18 at 6:30 p.m. at Fire Station

Respectfully submitted,

Sara Erickson
