January 16, 2018 Board Meeting

Post date: Jan 19, 2018 3:15:09 AM

Lyons Prepared Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 16, 2018

Lyons Fire Department

Members present:

Tosh Goliad, Joe Lampe, Ken Feldman, Gayle Gordon, Aaron Caplan, Emily Gubler, Bryan Roberts, Henri Begin, Linda Vahrenkamp, Jenni McDade, Keith Roussil and Sara Erickson

Tosh noted that we are missing Frank Adams tonight and are so sorry for the loss of our friend and LP member.

I. Foothills United Way Grant Award

LP received $1500.00 grant from Foothills United Way. The board plans to purchase of bags

for emergency kits with the grant money

Ken, Gayle and Joe Gale will be in charge of the purchase of the bags.

II. Identifying Additional Funding Opportunities

Discussion of local insurance companies or businesses who sponsor community

preparedness to grant LP some funds. Jenni suggested an informational sheet to present to

potential donors.

III. Update on budget

Keith shared that full kits will cost $389.00 with GPS devices and $300.00 without.

Reimbursement of Ken and Gayle for the banner is in the budget.

We are a line item in Lyons Fire budget.

IV. Human services request to identify seniors.

Human Services and Aging Commission would like LP to identify residents who are elderly

or with safety issues. Tosh has reported to them that we don’t feel this part of our mission. A

Human Services and Aging Commission meeting on this topic will be held on 1/22/18 at

12:30 p.m. at Lyons Town Hall Board Room. They have invited LP members. Tosh reported

to them that we are not interested in compiling such a list, but will take the list if they compile

and add any seniors who would indicate to LP that they want their names given to our


Keith said that Wendy Miller, who is on that committee, reached out to him and he gave the

same response as Tosh. Keith volunteered to attend the HSAC meeting and represent LP.

Linda shared that Spring Gulch residents can complete a questionnaire and give

information regarding their situation which is shared with neighborhood leaders.

Residents are given the opportunity to opt in or not

V. Mini Training on Patient Field Assessment

Keith Roussel presented the mini assessment.

In kit: have a notebook and pen in your kit and copy ABC and SAMPLE acronyms on first

page. Also refer to card provided by Tosh.

Useful acronyms:






S-symptoms (how are you feeling)



P-past medical history?

L-Last ins/out (what did last eat or drink)

E-events What happened?



V-verbally responsive

P-painfully responsive


Rule of 3’s

A human can go 3 minutes w/out air

A human can go hours w/out warmth

A human can go days w/out water

A human can go w/out food

Always send note pages with the emergency provider.

Never put anything or anyone in a car if you have no clear plan to get them in or out

Do no put an unresponsive person in a car. Call fire department

Items in Keith’s first aid kit: Israeli bandage, tourniquet, if you use one: put time you applied it on the tourniquet. Gloves, notepad, gauze, ace wrap, ABD pads or maxi pads; pocket


VI. Incident Command System

Aaron suggested LP may want to have an ICS refresher prior to the scenario practice. We

needed to understand the ICS structure. Emily: we can talk about divisions in a geographic

area. We do have our own geography but we do talk to the Incident Commander LP

members should transmit and receive info through a LP incident commander type person or

surrogate of IC.

The Incident Commander would name someone to be liaison with LP. The name of the

liasion would be communicated to LP in an actual emergency.

VII. LP Facebook Presence

Henri -can post up to Lyons Happenings or create a LP FB group. The Town or Lyons Fire

do not like to use Lyons Happenings due to rumor factor

LP does need a platform like FB for publicity of our work and announcements.

Emily suggested that we consult with Chief prior to setting up a FB group. The topic was

tabled to the next meeting.

VIII. False Alerts

Bryan suggested that we keep in mind that false alerts occur. The incident in Hawaii was an

Extreme example, but it needs to be considered that it could happen here. Check your

radio to verify or confirm with LFD or nonemergency line at Boulder County.

Next meeting

February 20, 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Sara Erickson

LP Secretary